
Become our partner and help us further develop the winter games for disabled youth.


Today we asked the President of the Emil Open about the upcoming 3rd edition of the V4 Winter Games for disabled youth.

Pavel, dates, participation, news, talk... 😊

Great, so a quickie interview... 😊 The 2025 edition will take place in January 22nd to 26th. I can't tell you the exact turnout yet, but there will be six countries in total. In addition to the V4 countries, i.e. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland, Albania, which we invited to join the project in and Bosnia and Herzegovina. And that's the first news.

What is the principle of involving other countries?

Visegrad Fund, from which the Winter Games project is co-financed, also supports the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries. That is why we involve one of them each year as part of the project innovation.

Can we continue with the news?

Another innovation we have committed to in the team is the expansion of sports offerings. This year, for the first time, we have introduced a camp and next year we're adding figure skating. We're looking forward to I'm particularly looking forward to. Unfortunately, we're still the only figure skating team in the Czech Republic and I'm hoping to start another club in the Czech Republic Budejovice.

And the last news I would like to mention is for example the cooperation Podané ruce o.p.s., thanks to which we include the educational part focused on addiction awareness among young people. For this I'm very happy for this, because in addition to the traditional threats, such as alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, digital technologies are the most dangerous phenomenon of our time. addictions.

Tell us also about the program.

As every year, we will start on Wednesday, which is marked by arrivals, registration and accommodation. Then in the afternoon we'll kick things off with a press conference with a conference, the opening ceremony, the Jan Kraus and a gala evening for partners. All of this will be taking place at the Clarion Congress Hotel České Budějovice, which is once again our main partner.

On Thursday and Friday we will go to the Lipno Ski Resort for sport - our other main partner. There will be competitions in para-alpine and cross-country skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing.

The second sports venue will be the Pouzar Hockey Centre in České Budejovice, where the aforementioned para-hockey camp and figure skating.

Friday will also be the day of the medal ceremonies and the ceremonial end of the Games with a disco. Saturday will then belong to the accompanying program and Sunday for departures.

How are things with your partners?

In addition to the key partner of the Visegrad Fund, it is the South Bohemia Region and the Statutory City of České Budějovice. We also cooperate with University of South Bohemia and the University of Technology and Economics, or Diocesan Charity of České Budějovice and DFK Group, which helps us with volunteers.

But there are also corporate partners. In addition to the main ones mentioned, I would consider all of them, I would like to mention our general partner SE.VEN Česká energie.

And of course a big thank you to everyone.

How big a team does the Winter Games provide?

So far I, Vojta and I are working on the games and gradually we are involving Barcha, who is in in the production of the plays. Gradually we will be joined by coordinator of volunteers, accommodation and food, transport and accompanying program.

Finally, the sports directors. Our project directors are already involved in these partners. Para-alpine skiing, snowboarding and para-hockey are provided by Slovak partner and cross-country skiing is under the responsibility of the Polish director race director.

Well, we'll be joined at the games themselves by about 30 more volunteers.

Pavel, do you have a wish or a challenge for us at the end?

Definitely! Because we haven't talked about money yet. 😊 For next year one of our main partners has dropped out, which means that we can't let our event grow a little bit bigger again. So I'd like to take our conversation with a challenge - become our partner and help us continue to grow the Disabled Youth Winter Games.

Thank you!

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Emilova sportovní, z.s.

Malinovského náměstí 603/4
602 00, Brno
Czech Republic

Pavel Zbožínek

Prezident organizačného výboru

Mgr. Vojtěch Kocůrek

Viceprezident organizačného výboru

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