
Rajoni i Bohemisë Jugore | 22. 1. - 26. 1. 2025

V4 Winter Games Emil Open

Viti i tretë i Lojërave Dimërore do të zhvillohet në České Budějovice dhe në qendrën e skive Lipno. Do të garojnë atletë nga 4 shtete - Republika Çeke, Sllovakia, Polonia dhe Hungaria! Përsëri këtë vit ne do të integrojmë vendet e mbështetura nga rajonet e Ballkanit Perëndimor dhe të Partneritetit Lindor. Veprimtaria është bashkëfinancuar nga Fondi i Vishegradit.
Atmosferën e garave ndërkombëtare mund ta përjetoni edhe si vullnetar, ndaj përfshihuni në organizimin e Lojërave dhe merrni një certifikatë vullnetari.

Final report


31.1. - 4. 2. 2024

Final report

V4 Winter Games Emil Open 2O24
31.1. - 4. 2. 2024
logo Emilova Sportovní
, 2024

Aftermovie 2024

Competitive sports

për hokej
patinazh artistik

Category (10 - 26 years old)

open category image

The Open category is open to all individuals in the target group - beginners and advanced, regardless of whether or not they are registered in sports clubs. For the sake of non-contestability, it is a prerequisite that athletes have some training experience in various types of sporting competitions.

The competition is based on modified international rules, which are adapted to the OPEN level. This category gives young people with disabilities who are just starting out in sport or recreational sport the opportunity to meet their sporting role models in the „big world of sport“.


Organizimi i një eventi më të mirë sportiv pa vullnetarë? Thjesht nuk mundesh.

Dëshironi të merrni pjesë në një event të madh ndërkombëtar jo vetëm si spektator, por edhe si pjesë e ekipit organizator? Pra, #moveyourwing dhe bëhu vullnetar në Lojërat Dimërore V4 Emil Open. Sepse ne jemi duke kërkuar për ju!
Regjistrimi i vullnetarëve është i hapur!
A keni ndonjë pyetje? Mos hezitoni të na kontaktoni.

Volunteer's roles

Rolet e vullnetarëve

1st grade

If you enjoy key roles, this is something for you! It is a responsible position that requires self-reliance, reliability and excellent communication skills.

Team's coordinator

2nd grade

Do you handle people management well? Then the coordinator role is tailor-made just for you. You will oversee a small group of people that you will lead to perform current tasks. Together you will take care of the smooth running of the Games.

Sport assistant

3rd grade

You will help right in the middle of everything – at sports venues – and will make athletes feel welcome and comfortable.

Visitors' assistant

4th grade

We need someone who will help all the participants and visitors with orientation at the venues.


About project

The Games are a unique international sport and social gathering of young people with disabilities. The project corresponds to the main focus area Social development and its objective Promoting a healthy and active lifestyle and reduction of addictive substance abuse with focus on young people with disabilities. It also aims at objective Promote social inclusion mindset, especially through sports for the disabled. Children and young people with disabilities can feel excluded from society, because they have limited opportunities for self-realization, hobbies or meeting new friends. It is proven that the way young people spend their leisure time has a major impact on their physical health and the prevention of socially pathological phenomena.

Sport is an ideal leisure time activity which provides opportunity to participate in a group or in a community. It is a way to improve physical abilities, strengthen mental and physical health and relax. In a social sense, the public sees sport as a tool to promote values such as discipline, fair play, friendship, effort and team spirit. However, access to sport for disabled people is often complex. According to our experience, we defined main weaknesses in access to sport for people with disabilities: more difficult access to sport for disabled people; opportunities for access to sport decrease with the higher level of disabilities; different level of experience among organizations and countries; only a few tournaments for less experienced athletes and small awareness of sports and hobbies suitable for disabled people.

V4 Partners

Polish Paralympic Comittee
Hungarian Paralympic Comittee
Pegas Remata
Special Olympics Albania




Kontribuesit Financiar

Visegrad Fund
Jihočeský kraj

128 000 Kč

Město České Budějovice

70 000 Kč


HITRádio Faktor
Českobudějovický deník


Diecézní charita České Budějovice
DFK group
HC Mad Bull

Ortaku i Përgjithshëm


Partnerët kryesorë

Energie AG
Clarion Hotel
YD Capital

Mbështetja e Korporatës

Narattive media
Sport soft
Wikiho svět
GS Plus
Havex auto

Logo Emil Open winter

Emilova sportovní, z.s.

Malinovského náměstí 603/4
602 00, Brno
Czech Republic

Pavel Zbožínek

Kryetar i Komitetit Organizativ

Mgr. Vojtěch Kocůrek

Nënkryetar i Komitetit Organizativ

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